“Macho City” was a groundbreaking, 16 minute trance-funk epic off of Circle of Love. For the first time since the release, listen to the radio edit that hit the airwaves back in 1981!
Listen here: https://SteveMillerBand.lnk.to/WTTVIGs
Welcome To The Vault shows Miller opening up his voluminous archive of recordings for the first time ever. The milestone 3CD + DVD box set covers his genre-blurring six-decade career over 52 audio tracks, pairing a number of greatest hits and certifiable rock ‘n roll classics with 38 previously unreleased recordings that span demos, rehearsals, outtakes, vintage concert performances and 5 newly uncovered original Steve Miller Band songs recorded in the 1960s and 1970s. The accompanying DVD collects 21 live performances, among them legendary rare TV appearances and concert videos.
Welcome To The Vault is accompanied by a 100-page hardbound book of photos, memorabilia and artifacts from Miller’s personal collection, as well as an exclusive 9,000-word essay by renowned rock journalist David Fricke.
Pre-Order Welcome To The Vault: http://stevemillerband.lnk.to/WelcomeToTheVault